At CASS, we offer a range of post-harvest services designed to ensure that your produce is preserved and processed in the most optimal way. Throughout this process, we perform several critical steps including sorting, washing, and hot water treatment to prevent rapid deterioration caused by pests and diseases.

Sorting Services:

The first step in our post-harvest process is sorting the produce. This process helps categorize the products by size, quality, and ripeness. Sorting not only enhances the quality of the produce but also ensures that only those meeting the standards are properly distributed. Products that do not meet the criteria are either processed or discarded to ensure that only the best products are retained.

Washing Services:

After sorting, the produce is washed to remove dirt, impurities, and chemical residues. This washing process is carried out using modern equipment and clean water to ensure that no contaminants remain on the produce. This step not only cleans the surface of the produce but also reduces the risk of bacterial contamination, thereby extending the shelf life and preserving the quality of the products.

Hot Water Treatment:

Another crucial step in our post-harvest process is hot water treatment. This effective method eliminates pests, diseases, and other harmful agents that could damage the produce. The produce is immersed in hot water at precisely controlled temperatures and durations to kill pathogens without compromising the quality of the product. This treatment helps reduce the risk of rapid deterioration and enhances the preservation capability of the produce.

All these services are carried out at our facility using state-of-the-art equipment and processes that meet high-quality standards. We are committed to ensuring that your produce is handled correctly to prevent rapid deterioration due to pests and diseases. Our team of experts and technicians is always ready to support you, ensuring that your produce is preserved and processed in the best possible way, thus helping you maintain product quality and optimize the commercial value of your produce.